Brighton North Outfall, Phases 1-3

North Brighton Outfall

Project Overview

Flooding is common in Brighton, particularly in the area of Denver Street and 8th Avenue. Even the most common rainstorms inundated properties and residences.  In 2006, the Outfall Systems Plan (OSP) for the Brighton Watershed Tributary to the South Platte River confirmed this, as the existing storm drain system was determined to be significantly undersized. This large storm drain upgrade, constructed in three phases, went through planning, design and construction in the timespan of over 20 years. ICON’s design added capacity through a new storm sewer outfall to the South Platte River approximately sized for the 10-year event. This system included storm sewer trunk lines ranging in size from 48” to 78” in diameter, with collection inlets, water quality vaults, and modifications to flowlines, curbs, and gutter to improve stormwater interception. Public involvement was key in maintaining communication with nearby residents and businesses throughout all three phases.

Phase 3 won the 2023 APWA Colorado Award for the best Public Works project in a medium community. It was completed on time and construction costs finished below the projected budget.

Project Outcomes
  • Phase 1: 2,200LF of storm drain pipe (24″ – 78″ in size), sanitary sewer improvements, 450-ft wetland channel, Hwy 85 crossing
  • Phase 2: UPPR and lateral ditch crossings – over 650-ft of steel pipe was tunneled beneath 7 railroad tracks
  • Phase 3: 8,000LF of stormwater pipe, 34 manholes, 33 inlets, a water quality vault, over 4,000LF of waterline, 77 water service connections, nearly 1,000-ft of curb and gutter, and over 23,000SY of asphalt replacement
  • Project Website:

Project Information

Area of Expertise



City of Brighton in partnership with MHFD

Partner Companies

  • American West Construction
  • Aqua de Vita
  • BT Construction
  • Daley Land Surveying
  • Ground Engineering
  • Lithos Engineering (GEI)
  • T2 Utility Engineers

Project Schedule

Design Complete: 2006-2021
Construction Complete: 2013-2022

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